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Hi, Hello, Hey... *enters all possible greetings* I'm finally doing this. I am finally pushing through my comfort zone and doing something that I have always wanted to do. So forgive me if what I am writing is not at a great standard. I'm new. I just think the topic of my post is to doing with doing things that we hold ourselves back from doing. Why did I hold myself back from doing this? It's not as though I will crumble and die. Who knows maybe I will benefit from this, learn and empower myself! Wow you haven't heard that before! But I am going to talk about this anyway... There is so many things in this world that I am stopping myself from doing, just because I'm scared or lazy. So many possibilities just passing by. To think that my life could be so much different if I had said something differently, or done something differently, that just BLOWS my mind! Like imagine just because you didn't walk a certain route one day, you missed out of something hug

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