Hi, Hello, Hey... *enters all possible greetings*
I'm finally doing this. I am finally pushing through my comfort zone and doing something that I have always wanted to do. So forgive me if what I am writing is not at a great standard. I'm new.
I just think the topic of my post is to doing with doing things that we hold ourselves back from doing. Why did I hold myself back from doing this? It's not as though I will crumble and die. Who knows maybe I will benefit from this, learn and empower myself! Wow you haven't heard that before! But I am going to talk about this anyway...
There is so many things in this world that I am stopping myself from doing, just because I'm scared or lazy. So many possibilities just passing by. To think that my life could be so much different if I had said something differently, or done something differently, that just BLOWS my mind! Like imagine just because you didn't walk a certain route one day, you missed out of something huge. However, that then is where it gets less confusing and my point is stupid. Because maybe, it was a good outcome because you went that certain way you did. Ugh now it is just racking my brain.
The founder of the Australian Red Frogs ( came to present at my school assembly today, which I would also like to point out they are sooooo amazing!! Anyway he told a quote that I really liked, "It is always better to do something, rather than to do nothing". Some people are god damn inspirational! I also found it more moving having someone say it from that sort of organisation, rather than reading it on the internet. But then again here I am saying it on here for you to read. BE INSPIRED BY THE QUOTE!
Alright, that's enough from 11:51pm mind. This was possibly the worst post, but meh, to tired to care. Gosh loving that spirit I have!


(P.S I have just realised that my dumb self, spelt anonymous wrong... WOW talk about a great start hehe xx)
